Bold and beautiful!

Bold and beautiful!


I strongly believe EVERYONE needs to spoil themselves with at least one pair of out of your comfort zone glasses. Optician Company is here to help you pick a new style that will make you feel amazing. Here are some different options to look for.

P I C K  A  B R I G H T  C O L O R


Eekkkk, a wonderful splash of color can easily enhance your skin tone, hair color and make your eyes color pop! I know it can be scary to wear a bold color, but I promise you, you'll love the confidence and freedom it will bring. When you feel beautiful or have that "dang I look goood," you naturally release positive empowering energy that is a wonderful feeling. You should see how much you accomplish when you are looking good ;).   

C H O O S E  A  S H A P E

If color just doesn't float your boat, enjoy picking a fun outgoing shape. Enjoy a fun cat eye, round, oversize, a full rimless with a custom shape or even something super thick and chunky to get the job done. Bold shapes can be just as striking as colors.  

W H A T  S H A P E  I ' M  I  ?

You are every shape! I get asked quite often "what is the best shape for my face" or "do you think I can wear this shape?". HECK YES! You can wear any shape you would like. It's more about the size of the frame that prevents you from wearing certain shapes, but that doesn't mean it doesn't come in other sizes or another manufacturing company might make a style that fit better. You just have to find the perfect fit. 

F U N K Y  R E A D I N G  G L A S S E S

If bold and bright are not your thing for everyday, no biggie :). I wear a round tortoise shell pair pretty much everyday because I love them. As an optician I'm here to make sure you have the options and support to be bold and beautiful if you choose. Reading glasses are a perfect way to mix it up if you want to dip your toezees in the water. Plus, with a fun color you'll finally be able see where you put those little suckers! It's a WIN WIN.